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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Costa RICA

When the Universe calls, you listen. Justin and I started talking about Costa Rica about one week ago. I started reading about it just this morning (check out this great book).

And now we're the proud owners of two tickets to travel there on January 6, 2014, all for the ripe old price of $740.00 TOTAL! 

When The Universe speaks, YOU LISTEN. Sure, we'll make our way south for the World Cup in Brazil. But in January, we'll be swinging from vines someplace in our temporary home of Costa Rica. 

And we couldn't be happier.

Monday, May 27, 2013

It begins

Well, we've done it. Justin and I have officially decided to take the leap and go on an around the world adventure. I've dreamed of this for many, many years. Justin is newer to the dream but just as eager to break from the 9-5 and show the world that extended travel is possible.

We're both still very much immersed in the typical work-a-day lifestyle at this point. It has fast come to our attention, however, that there are alternate routes through life. All Justin and I know is that we're determined to find one. Ours, we can hope.

Truth be told, we have no clue what we're getting ourselves into. One thing we're sure of though? Those two people, fresh off the plane and ready to embark on an adventure? They look pretty excited:

Imagine taking that excitement and extending it out for, saaayyyy, a whole year. It can't be done, you say? Pssshhht. It can. And it will. Even better--you can do it, too.

We're currently in the research, dreaming and planning phase. (May 2013 UPDATE: We just bought our first tickets to THIS lovely location). We've got tentative dates and several itinerary options. My future posts will lay out what we've learned on buying tickets, travel insurance, packing lists, itineraries, technology to bring, selling stuff, saving, etc. You name it, we intend to cover it. This blog will be a transparent account of what its like for a couple to engage on the adventure of a lifetime, documented from the beginning.

Until next time, thanks for reading.