Since arriving, we've been hosted by two families. Our current accommodations are great, we've got a private bedroom, bath, and even our own dining table. We've currently got 8 roommates in what resembles a hostel more than a home stay (we join the family for breakfast and dinner, but otherwise we all stay in our quarters upstairs).
Though this is all wonderful, nothing can compare to our experience with our first Mamma Tica (a term for Costa Rican women--men are Ticos. These aren't derogatory terms but are used colloquially), Maria del Rosio. She was a gracious host and has found a permanent place in both of our hearts as an adopted Mamma for life.
Despite the language barrier, we learned that she was genuine, warm, welcoming, gracious, fabulously domestic, and kinder than we could have ever dreamed. We arrived late one Thursday evening, not having a clue whether or not we were even in the right place. Maria welcomed us, showed us our room, and even gave us some cookies and crackers before we went to sleep--we were so grateful.
On our last night with Maria we (well, Justin) made dinner for Maria, her husband Fabio, and our other three roommates--some lovely college students from Indiana. It was the first time we all sat at the table together, as we students were usually served before the family ate. It was great to express our gratitude, share a recipe, drink wine, and celebrate community. Afterword Maria stayed up with us and our roommate Mollie looking at our wedding photos, sharing stories about past home stay students, trading English and Spanish lessons, and really enjoying one another's company.
We owe Maria a visit (or several!) before we leave, though I'm certain it won't repay her for our warm reception into Costa Rica. Thank you, Mamma Tica! We love you!!
And now, some pictures from the home of our first Costa Rican family:
Our room |
Pita, the oldest, most crochety cat you ever saw (he was 21) |
Mellie and Diana, Mamma Tica's granddaughter and daughter |
Mellie showing off the living room |
Chester |
Mellie sharing her sunglasses |
and her silly faces :) |
Maria, Diana, and Mellie |
Fabio, Mellie, Maria, and Diana. Fabio LOVES this picture (and for good reason, too!) |
Making dinner |
Fryin' up the chicken tenders (they were SO good) |
Our San Jose family: Ali, me, Justin, Maria, Mollie, and Chandlar |